Firestone Park Renovations

Year of the Park

The Restoration and Beautification Committee of Columbiana is excited to refer to 2020 as the "year of the park" as heavy equipment moves in and crews work daily on the continuing restoration of Firestone Park. Concrete is being poured, sidewalks are being paved, over 1,000 new lush … Read more about Year of the Park

Progress Being Made

Capital Project to Restore Firestone Park Continues in 2020   The renovation of Firestone Park by the Restoration and Beautification Committee of Columbiana continues as part of the 3 million dollar capital improvement project, with ongoing progress being made in various areas of the … Read more about Progress Being Made

Big Changes: The Arrival Experience & The Maple Grove & Spruce Tunnel Pavilions

The fall of 2020 will see some big changes at Firestone Park as Terra Design Studios begin their Installation of new entrances and landscaping of the pavilions. The Great Tree Lawn will get its new trees, and walkways and roadways will feature colorful screens and beds of perennials and … Read more about Big Changes: The Arrival Experience & The Maple Grove & Spruce Tunnel Pavilions

Beautiful in Any Season – Firestone Park

Plans for the landscaping and re-naming of the much-loved pavilions in Firestone Park continue at a steady clip with Terra Design Studios of Pittsburgh at the forefront working in tandem with the Restoration and Beautification Committee of Columbiana, as the renovation of the park … Read more about Beautiful in Any Season – Firestone Park